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Just another aspiring author trying to make his way into the world of writing.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Season of The Hunt- Chapter 2

                          The Aunt with The Snake

    “… And in other news, a woman has been found dead in her home today in the small village of Treston. The woman, who has been named as Sarah Higgins, was found by her close friend Mary Sheller who was scheduled to meet Miss Higgins for breakfast. Miss Higgins was found in her spare room with a singular stab wound to her chest. Strangely, a dead fox was also reported at the murder scene, with similar wounds to that of Miss Higgins. The police are suspecting that this was a failed attempt of a robbery; believing that when Miss Higgins approached the intruders, they attacked her then fled the scene.  Miss Sheller commented to us saying that: Sarah was a charming woman; I have known her for years. It came as a complete shock that such a thing could happen in this small village! Sarah was a good personvthat wouldn’t even hurt a fly! She will be severely missed by all the villagers.
    When asked about the mysterious fox amongst the murder scene, Miss Sheller stated: I have no idea why a fox was in that room. Maybe it got in the house after the robbers entered, and got stabbed in the process? The police are treating the case as suspicious.
    And lastly, a major wild fire broke out last night in the Silent Oak forest. The fire was reported at three in the morning, and has destroyed forty per cent of the area. The fire service is still battling to get the flames under control.
    That is all from us here at the news centre for Live FM, now back to Tony Keller for your drive time music. Thank you for listening, goodbye…”

    “Shame about the forest isn’t it?” commented a woman, attempting to be heard over the whirr of the engine and music from the radio.
“I know!” responded a man. “I remember going there as a kid. What do you think, Iris?”
The man was addressing a girl in the back seat of the car. She gazed longingly into the sky, tracking the passing clouds as they drifted across the blue expanse; seemingly avoidant at the attempt of a conversation. “Hmm…” she contemplated. “Yeah, a shame,” was her half endeavoured reply. Iris retracted herself again from the world, immersing herself within the sky.
    Iris’s attention was finally drawn when she detected a sound from her bag. She retrieved the carrier and withdrew her mobile phone from its interior. Iris scanned the device with her deep ivory eyes, lit with intrigue and excitement.
    Hey hey girlfriend, it read. Cant believe ur gonna b away 4 the whole of the spring hols. Y ur parents wouldnt let u stay round mine I dont no. Ah well, hope u have a gd time. Txt me wen ur back so we can have a gossip of wot appened. Naomi xxxx
    Iris finished reading the message, and then commenced in typing her response:
OMG! I no! Stupid parents! They let me stay round urs all the time, why is dis time anydifferent? And they r making me stay round my aunts house! She is sooooooo weird! Yeah ill txt u wen my parents save me from her lol! Hope u have a gd time without me.  Luv u lots! Irisxxxxxxx
She pressed the send button, transporting the message into virtual space.

    Iris huffed in frustration and placed her mobile phone back into her bag, then continued to stare into the sky, imagining she was anywhere but in a car on her way to her Aunt’s house.
“Why do I have to go to Aunt Bella’s house? Couldn’t I have just stayed at Naomi’s? I’ve stayed over loads of times,” protested Iris.
Her mother turned around with a look of annoyance, it was clear that this was not the first time Iris had disputed against the matter.
    Iris’s mother was a fair woman. Her lengthy blond hair matched that of her daughters; with the exception that Iris left hers straightened and free flowing, while her mother’s hair was secured in a constricted plat. Small wrinkles appeared in the corner of her mother’s eyes, cracking her near blemish free skin; natures grasp beginning to show. Iris’s skin, on the other hand, was smooth and juvenile; her rosy cheeks lightened her face, leaving it with the luminous glow of childhood. Apart from the age difference, Iris and her mother practically mirrored each other. Many a time had they been mistaken for sisters; complementary for her mother, but embarrassing for Iris.
 “How many times do we have to go over this?” her mother’s tone verging on stern. “We have to go to this training holiday; otherwise we may lose our jobs!”
    Iris’s parents were both GPs in their local NHS practice. Their hospital had been receiving multiple complaints over the last six months, regarding poor service and communication. As a result, the managing directors saw fit that they had to travel three hundred and twenty three miles to a training camp for two weeks to improve on their performance. If not, then they would be replaced.
    Her mother continued, “Your father and I do not wish for you to stay with Naomi and her family for three reasons. One, we couldn’t possibly burden Naomi’s parents with looking after the both of you for two weeks; it just isn’t fair on them. Two, you need to study for your GCSEs, and I don’t think that you will while Naomi is around. And three, when was the last time you saw your Great Aunt? She’s the only family member left on my side, and it would be a shame if we lost touch with her-”
“There is a good reason why I haven’t spent time with her!” retorted Iris.
Her father responded this time, sensing his wife’s accumulating rage, “Look honey, we know that she may be a little… unorthodox, but your mother is right. It will be good to spend some time with her. Anyway, it gives you plenty of opportunity to do your revision.” Her father peered into the wing mirror to confirm that Iris was heeding his words. Iris made eye contact for a split second, before turning away to the window in a stroppy fashion.
    Her father, unlike her mother, could not have been more different to his daughter than if she had been adopted! His dazzling blue eyes contrasted with Iris’s deep ivory pupils. His hair was abyss black and cut short, while his skin was wearing and tired. He discontinued his glare of authority at Iris and sustained in driving to their destination, despite Iris’s objection.

    The journey wound on with Iris staging a silent protest for the rest of its duration. Gradually, the vibrant blue sky begun to succumb to night’s eventual arrival, transforming orange with resistance. Clouds began to congregate slowly across the atmosphere; servants to the dark’s empire. The once serene sky now raged with red disobedience; reluctant to surrender to the sinister night. Silhouetted birds flew across the horizon, looking to escape the inevitable seizure of the sun.

    The trio had been driving on the motorway for three hours now without any break, all were agitated and uncomfortable. At last, some relief was found when a sign for New Bud Village appeared at the side of the road. “Not long now,” reassured Iris’s father, as he turned into an off road.
     A few moments later and tarmac turned to gravel as the expedition neared its destination. The concrete, lifeless surroundings seemed to merge with trees and grass until the car was submergedin dense forest. The roar of traffic faded into the distance as they proceeded into the great hall of trees. Steadily, the vehicle decreased in speed, then grounded to a halt adjacent to a winding path, leading into the clutches of nature. Iris looked around puzzled, “Why have we stopped? I can’t see Bella’s house.”
Iris’s mother turned around to face her daughter,“Oh! I forgot that you haven’t been to Bella’s house before! She lives in the outskirts of the New Bud village, just on the fringes of the forest. Unfortunately, we can’t take the car through the forest, the trees are too close together-“
“You mean I have to walk?!” exploded Iris, outraged at the scheme. She sat back in her seat and folded her arms. “There is no way that I am walking through that!”
“Well you have no choice!” Iris’s mother had tolerated her veto for the entirety of the journey; she had just about reached breaking point. “You are getting out of this car this instant and going to your Great Aunt’s house, whether you like it or not. I haven’t got the slightest clue why you have been acting so defiant lately, young lady, but it will not continue! Your father and I work had to put food on our table, clothe you and make sure you are well, and what do you give us in return? Grief! Well I am not taking it any longer, whether your father agrees with me or not. Get out of this car now, and walk down that path until you come to Bella’s house, it should only take fifteen minutes or so. And while you are there you can get a new attitude. Or don’t bother coming back!”
 Iris looked as if someone had slapped her in the face: tears began to collect in the corners her eyes and her face burned red. Before she broke down in front of her parents, she forced open the door, grabbed her bag and ran outside. She slammednshut the door and stood facing her father through the window. He mouthed the words “I’m sorry” with a look of remorse and drove off, leaving a puff of exhaust in their wake.

     Iris had always been a ‘daddy’s girl’. She and her mother had never really seen eye to eye for as long as she could remember. Everything that Iris did never seemed good enough in her mother’s opinion. If Iris came home from school with an A in a test, her mother would look unsatisfied and say, “I want full marks next time.” Even when Iris played the lead role in the school’s Christmas production, her mother would criticise her acting, saying how she could improve. Never a well done or congratulations. Just, “You could do better.” Her father, on the other hand, had a kind and forgiving soul. He would always defend Iris and let her do what she wanted. But what Iris really craved for was her mother’s approval. Just for her to saysomething as little as, “Well done Iris.”

    Iris stood amongst the trees, deserted and enraged. The sound of her parents driving away soon melted into the distance, swallowed by the forest. Night was gaining rapidly upon the earth; soon Iris would be submerged in darkness, alone.
    A cool breeze drifted through the woodland, whispering the trees secret language. Iris wrapped her arms around her body, attempting to warn off the chilling grip. If she had known that she would be trekking through a dense forest, Iris may not have worn a dress and heels. Like a fish in a desert, she felt silly standing there in the inadequate attire. 

    Iris wiped the tears out of her eyes, fixed her hair then picked up her bag. She turned towards the path leading into the maze of foliage and commenced her ramble. Her heels sank into the soggy growth as she walked, making the voyage additionally difficult. As Iris ambled through the forest, the trees seemed to reach out to seize her, bending to the forces of the wind; her dress waved around her legs and hair fluttered around her head.
    Thevbirds commenced in chirping their twilight symphony, saluting the end ofanother day, it was a sorrowful song, as if the birds were pleading for the sunnto remain. The serenity of the forest was unnerving for Iris. She was used to concrete and noise. Not trees and bird song. “I am never going to another forest as long as I live,” Iris murmured to herself.

    Then, slowly out of the corner of her eyesight, something moved. It was like a shadow, slipping in and out of existence for seconds at time. Iris chose to ignore it, after all, she was in a forest and there were bound to be animals living there. She was the intruder in their homes. They have the right to inspect her if they wished. She saw the shadow again. It was too big to be a woodland animal. Iris looked left and right. A wave of panic set upon her. She increased her walking pace;
Bella’s house can’t be far Iris thought. Snap!Something had broken a twig behind her. Iris stopped, her legs froze in terror. Every inch of her being was screaming at her to move, but she could not. Fear had control over Iris, and it refused to release her from its claws. She could feel warm breath upon the back of her neck, heard the sound of heavy breathing. Iris closed her eyes gently, inhaled then pivoted speedily, lashing out her left arm with her hand moulded into a fist.
“Ah!” shouted a boy. “Bloody hell! What did you do that for?!” Iris opened her eyes to find a teenage boy lying on the floor clutching his right cheek.
“I’m so sorry!” Iris apologised. “I thought you were-“
“Were what? A stalker, murderer?”
“Well, yes actually!” The boy chuckled and stood up while patting himself down. He appeared to be about sixteen years of age, and apart from the red mark beginning to spread across his face, he was a good looking lad. His eyes immediately ensnared Iris. Two pools of royal blue occupied his pupils. The colour was mesmerising; look too deep and Iris found herself falling into his gaze, trapped within the blue lustre. The boy had long black hair, fashioned with a fringe finishing just above his brow, which swept across his forehead. His face was spotless, a rarity amongst the teenage society. The youth had a well-defined jaw line, sculpting a handsome face shape.  Iris began to feel her cheeks scorching, and her palms becoming damp with sweat. 
“I’m sorry if I scared you, I saw you walking through the forest and I thought I would see if you were lost. Haven’t seen you around here before. Don’t get many visitors to New Bud village. And I would have remembered a face like yours.” Iris’s face now radiated red. She fixed her fringe, attempting to appear calm and collected; when in reality, she was melting inside.
“Well thank you for your concern. But I’m just on my way to my aunt’s house.”
“Bella by any chance? Well, no one else lives out here. My, you have one… interesting aunt there.”
Iris rolled her eyes, “Tell me about it! Oh, how silly of me! I haven’t even told you my name. I’m Iris, Iris Everhart.”
“Well hello Iris, my name is Keiran Conall, pleased to meet you. I won’t keep you for any longer, looks like it’s about to get dark, and you wouldn’t want to be here at night. And don’t worry about the bruise that’s sure to come, it will go eventually. Anyway, not many people can knock me on the floor like that!” he began to chuckle again. “I’m sure we will meet again.” And with that Keiran turned around and started to walk away. “Oh! By the way! I like the perfume you’re wearing. It’s really nice!” With that he disappeared amongst the trees.
“I'm not wearing any perfume,” breathed Iris, fastened on the spot, swept by awe. The conversation only lasted for a few moments, but to Iris, she felt as if time had stopped when she laid her eyes upon Keiran.
Is this what love at first sight feels like? questioned Iris mentally. She shook her head, struggling to release herself from the romantic trance.
  Eventually, Iris continued on her way, occasionally looking behind her to see if Keiran was there.
As she continued through the forest the ever Increasing scent of smoke began to choke the atmosphere, and single white plume could be seen climbing over the tree tops. Iris had been walking for about twenty minutes now, and the sight of human activity supplied a spurt of energy. The trees began to thin out, and soon her aunt’s cottage came into view.
    It was a modest abode which was set in a clearing of the forest, perched on top of a hill overlooking the tiny village of New Bud. The cottage looked like it had been plucked out of a fairy tale. It had a thatched roof placed upon its body, looking barely strong enough to fend off a faint breeze. The amount of windows on the first floor indicated that it had only two bedrooms; and the base looked equally as small. Surrounding the perimeter of the property was a little white fence, with a gate opposite the front door. Within the protection of the fence were patches of plants and what appeared to be vegetables dotted around the land. All in all, the cottage looked cozy and friendly, some what different to what Iris was imagining.
     Outside the front gate stood an elderly woman. Her long white hair was platted and placed over her left shoulder. She seemed to be garbed in a green dress, with an emerald ivy pattern winding up from the base. If she stood still long enough, she could probably have passed for a tree! Her face did not look old, but the wrinkles calved upon her skinvsuggested otherwise; a testament for all the years she has been upon the Earth. The woman looked wise, as if she had many stories to tell about the planet. And there it was… Upon her left arm. The one thing that Iris never understood, or liked about her aunt… That snake. It constricted up her arm, from her wrist to her shoulder. Its colour was most peculiar: it was constructed of both red and purple lines that spiraled up its body; both menacing and beautiful to behold. It had a small head, and beady little black eyes. The serpent flicked its tongue in and out, testing the air. It could sense Iris approaching.
    “My dear! Hello!” hollered Bella cheerfully, while waving over enthusiastically. Iris waved back out of politeness, and attempted not to look too much like she did not want to be there.
    Iris just reached the gate before being pounced upon by her aunt, who imprisoned her in a massive embrace. “It’s been far too long Iris! I’m so glad that you are spending the holidays with me! We have so much to catch up on and do!” Due to the hug, Iris had found herself face to face with the snake. She jumped back in surprise and terror. “Oh don’t mind Tanis! She wouldn’t hurt anyone! Well… Not unless I tell her to!” Bella exploded into a fit of laughter, then ceased abruptly, “Come inside my dear, you must be tired from your long journey. Would you like a cup of tea?” Before iris could respond to the question, Bella was dragging her into the cottage, Iris just about keeping up with her. The door to the home slammed shut, signaling for the birds to continue with their evening concert.   

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