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Just another aspiring author trying to make his way into the world of writing.

Monday 19 November 2012

Growing into Existence

Let me explain this poem first, before you all think I'm mad! For one of my applications to university I had to provide a creative response to "A place where I grew up" Well I took it literally... Take a look! 

 I lay floating, drifting, turning within human existence,
My undeveloped thoughts embrace me, concreting my near subsistence.

How long have I remained amongst the void and gloom?
I have waited, grown and prepared; when is my time to bloom?

 What lies beyond this isolated world?
Success, happiness, excitement, all I have dreamt, floating here curled.

… It’s dazzling, pure, breath taking and blazing!
This light that engulfs me, simply amazing!

Now is my time, to leave this transitory place
Never to return again, to this growing base…

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